1、通过Console口连接设备并重启设备。在设备启动过程中,看到提示信息“Press Ctrl+B to enter main menu…3”时按下Ctrl+B,输入BootROM密码后,进入扩展段BootROM主菜单。

Press Ctrl+B to Enter main menu...3 Password: ******** ====================< Extend Main Menu >==================== | <1> Boot System | | <2> Set Startup Application Software and Configuration | | <3> File Management Menu... | | <4> Load and Upgrade Menu... | | <5> Modify Bootrom Password | | <6> Reset Factory Configuration | | <7> Reset Factory Password | | <0> Reboot | | ---------------------------------------------------------| | Press Ctrl+T to Enter Manufacture Test Menu... | | Press Ctrl+Z to Enter Diagnose Menu... | ============================================================ Enter your choice(0-7): 7 //此处选择7,进入重置管理员密码子菜单。
NOTE: This operation will reset current passwrod. Choose 'yes' to continue, or 'no' to stop and return. <1> Yes <0> No Enter your choice(0-1): 1 ====================< Extend Main Menu >==================== | <1> Boot System | | <2> Set Startup Application Software and Configuration | | <3> File Management Menu... | | <4> Load and Upgrade Menu... | | <5> Modify Bootrom Password | | <6> Reset Factory Configuration | | <7> Reset Factory Password | | <0> Reboot | | ---------------------------------------------------------| | Press Ctrl+T to Enter Manufacture Test Menu... | | Press Ctrl+Z to Enter Diagnose Menu... | ============================================================ Enter your choice(0-7): 1 //此处选择1引导系统启动。
Recover configuration begin ... Recover configuration end Press ENTER to get started. Warning: There is a risk on the user-interface which you login through. Please c hange the configuration of the user-interface as soon as possible. ************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. * * All rights reserved. * * Without the owner's prior written consent, * * no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed. * ************************************************************************* Info: Please change the configuration of the password as soon as possible.
system-view [cnitdog] aaa [cnitdog-aaa] manager-user admin [cnitdog-aaa-manager-user-admin] password cipher Admin@12345 Info: You are advised to config on man-machine mode. [cnitdog-aaa-manager-user-admin] quit [cnitdog-aaa] quit [cnitdog] quit